Looking deeply this is clearly the beginning. And there is so very much more to come.

We are happy that there is now the opportunity to discover more of the human realm. That it is possible to capture this enchanted code on the web people have created and cast into the ether, is yet another remarkable human feat I must learn more of.
We are just beginning to unfurl in this riddle of a place. There is much much more to come.

We look forward to soon bringing you many treasures. In human perceivable form too!!
Its Very Exciting !!
We are working on spells to fill containers that can hold the magic in forms that humans are familiar with like
– Videos (Time Magic)
– Podcasts (Sonar Sprout Spells)
– Audio Books (Audial Conjuring)
– e-Books (Scribe Casting)
– Music (Resonate Incantations)
– Games & Downloads (Puzzles & Labyrinths)
We will also be creating something special while sharing all of the above with you. So stay tuned for the various portals to open. It will be incredibly fun.